Friday 1 June 2012

Mount Doom and the Tangariro Crossing

I decided to do my next entry on our hike at the Tongariro Crossing. The crossing is a 17 km  across some fairly rugged terrain. It is a fairly strenuous hike. Apparently the hike is recognized as the best in New Zealand and one of the top ten in the world. The hike is pretty steep at times and the weather can be unpredictable but luckily we picked a perfectly clear day. We were warned by other kiwis and other travelers that the hike takes a lot out of you. I won't lie I definitely underestimated it and I didn't even do the whole 17 km's because we decided to climb mount doom (I'll explain as we go on).
Anyways we found out that a group of our German friends were planning on doing the crossing the same day we were so we decided to collaborate and head there together. Getting up at 4:30 a.m. we we packed our lunches and ate breakfast. We left at about 5:15 a.m. since it was a three hour drive and the hike is supposed to take all day. I would say we rolled in around 8 and then started out hike. Our ultimate goal of doing this crossing was to climb Mt. Ngauruhoe (Mount Doom) and we were told that the climb would be very difficult.

The beginning of the hike

There was frost on a lot of the moss and lichens.

The first 4-5 km's wasn't too bad. The only bad thing was there was a ton of other people doing the crossing as well and it got kind of annoying passing everyone (cause we were that much more fit). But then came the Devils Staircase and this is when shit started getting serious. 
Our warning before the staircase

One of the many staircases

The top of devils staircase where we ate some of our packed lunch.

Our anticipated climb (Mt. Ngauruhoe)
So we got to the top of the Devils staircase and the bottom of Mt. Ngauruhoe. We ate some of our packed lunches and took a short rest. This is when we had to leave our german friends because they did not want to climb Mount Doom. Due to the car arrangements and time constraints we had to make the tough decision that we (me, Damien, D.J., and Gabe) would climb Mount Doom then walk to the Emerald Lakes and then turn around and walk back to our car. The Crossing is a one way hike so we had a vehicle waiting at the end that was going to shuttle everyone back to our cars. Obviously if climbed Mount Doom and no one else did we would miss the shuttle. So that was our decision and we started our ascent.

The beginning 

Steep as

Blue Lake

The final stretch

Well the hike took around 2 1/2 hours and I will tell you what, I underestimated it and it was a BITCH! The hike was very very steep and to add insult to injury the ground was very fine sandy volcanic rock so every step you made you fell back about half a step. Getting your footing was very difficult. And on top of that we had the sun blaring down on us. But anything worth doing and telling about is generally going to be difficult and we made it to the top. The last 100 meters or so was some very sharp small pebble like volcanic rock and would keep slipping out from underneath your feet. It was a difficult climb.

We made it to the top!

Haha I look awkward in this picture but thats ok cause I'm on the top of Mount Doom

So after sitting up on the volcano for a good half hour and throwing the biggest rocks we could lift into the pit we decided it was time to head back down. This was going to be quite the adventure as well. And it was. Since the soil was so loose we basically had to slide down the whole side of the mount. It was pretty intense and pretty fun. Other than Damien, we all made it down safe with a shit load of sand in our shoes. Damien had a pretty rough trip down but he is still alive so no worries.

Yes I took a spill on the way down

Random asian dude sliding down.

Well we made it safely down to the bottom of Mt. Doom and now we wanted to see the Emerald Lakes. I must say we were absolutely wiped but we pressed on. We had to go up another fairly steep climb which was practically murder to my legs. We weren't even sure what direction the lakes were but after biting the bullet and asking a few hikers we finally found them. And it was well worth it.

Top left you can see a helicopter. Apparently some people got brought in. We didn't go to the very bottom because I don't think I could have made it back up.

After the Emerald lakes we began heading back towards the car park. We were absolutely wiped and I was very disappointed we had to walk like 7 km's back to the car. But we pushed through. It was well worth it because the sun was going down and the entire crossing was glowing red. On our walk back we ran into a photographer who was resting on the side of the trail and he asked us if we had climbed the mount. We told him yes and we asked what if he was going to climb it. He was, and he was doing it under the light of a full moon. 

Don't quote me but I think this is Mt. Ruapehu, I could be wrong tho.

That full moon
It was a very physically draining day but it was amazing none the less. While some were sitting at home studying for finals I was takin Mt. Doom by the haunches. Being able to say I've climbed Mount Doom is definitely one more thing I can check off my bucket list (something that wasn't even on the list before I came here). The Emerald lakes were also breathtaking.  This was just another New Zealand adventure to mark off in the books. 

For more on the Riro Crossing you can go here:

Date: 5/4/12 (4/5/12)

Just thought I would add this video too

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