Sunday 20 May 2012

Our rainy day in the South

So the night we camped on the beach I set some of my stuff that got wet from our drunk night in Wellington out to dry. It was a beautiful clear night. Little did I know that the weather can change in ten minutes especially when your sleeping directly next to the ocean. We also didn't stake down the outer shell (the water proof part) of the tent to well since we assumed we had nothing to worry about. Little did we know that we would be awoken by small streams of water leaking into the sides of our tent the next morning, which soaked our blankets and got some of my clothes wet. There was also a steady downpour that accompanied our wet wake up call making it much more difficult to try to pack our overflowing Saab. And lets just say my clothes were no better off than they were when I set them out. So we scrambled and packed the car and got pretty damn wet.

The rest of day it basically rained non stop so we were stuffed like sardines in a small packed and cramped car trying to figure what the hell we were going to do. Our solution was to go to a natural hot springs in Hammer Springs. After driving around trying to find the damn place we finally got to the pools and headed in. It was outdoors and it was actually pretty cool. The fog and the rain kind of made a serene environment. We were basically sitting in hot pools in a rain forest.

After that we packed up and continued on towards Christchurch. Our drenched clothes was one of our top concerns but there was nothing we could do since it was raining out and we had no where to stay to hang our stuff out so we just had to tough it out. Anyways we made it Christchurch and basically got to see how messed up it was from the earthquake . . . and that was it. So after lolligagging around in a McDonalds (that's where there was free internet and a place to charge) trying to put a game plan together we decided to just head to our next location, Lake Tekapo.

We drove again until probably around 10 or so at night and finally found a place we could pull off and set up camp. We were in for a cold cold night. And that was basically it. Date 4/10/12. There weren't much for pictures that day.

Preview of Lake Tekapo

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