Friday 18 May 2012

Circus in Helena 29 and some other junk

So just as an update as to what is currently going on. Last night was quite interesting. We have a couple of German couch surfers that have stayed with us the past couple of nights. Unfortunately I don't know their names and it may be too awkward to ask this late in the game. BUT they have been traveling around New Zealand the past few months and have been carrying there lives around with them, SO they had all of there shit laying about our front lounge and I couldn't help but notice a few things that they were carrying with them during their travels. For instance a couple things that stood out were a trombone, a bag of juggling shit, the book the Hobbit (go figure), and a little bongo looking drum.

Any ways last night we were all sitting in our back lounge drinking (another go figure) and talking. Somehow we got onto the topic of juggling (drunk conversations) and they decided to whip out the drum and juggling gear. Nek minute one guy was banging on the drums and the other was doing some pretty sweet juggling shit. Like juggling 5 balls at once (haha) and doing a trick where he would juggle three, make it look like he ate one ball, and continue to juggle the other two. He then would make a spitting noise as if he spit it out and resume juggling three. Needless to say the guy knew how to handle balls (haha). SO that was one of the most recent interesting things that happened here in NZed. I'm sure I could expand more on this but I don't want to keep typing.

Bag of tricks

 Drum thing

Juggling (and Autumn)

Also last weekend we had a case race which resulted with me drinking 14 beers in a relatively short amount of time (the conversion for that would be about 2 yardy's worth of beer). Not much more to say about that, I'll let your imagination fill in the rest.

I also recently got a tattoo. The tattoo took 4 1/2 hours and I got one 10 minute break to grab a bite to eat. Needless to say it was awesome and now I want like 4 more tattoos as of now. The tattoo itself is of a Tui bird with some Kowhai flowers and a Maori design which represents the five members of my family to top it off (I'll explain the design some other time). Tui's are native to New Zealand and are quite interesting birds. They have the capability of talking like parrots and I read somewhere that Maori chiefs would use them for assistance when they gave long speeches. Any ways here are a couple pictures:

This is a Tui sitting with on a Kowhai tree. I want to get the bird colored in eventually to make it stand out more.

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